Reimagine Your Smile with Our Unique and Comprehensive Dental Implant Services

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Modern Dental Centre - Unmatched Care with a Focus on Patient Comfort, Combining Innovative Techniques with Compassionate Care

Delve into our unwavering dedication to superior dental well-being. Our dental clinic offers unparalleled assistance, customised care plans, and a tranquil atmosphere. Our committed dentists value your contentment and ease, fostering lasting, meaningful relationships. Join us on a significant journey towards improved oral health.

Dental Implants

Unrivalled Teeth Implants, Assured to Refresh Your Smile

We present cost-effective dental implant services in Perth, masterfully designed to systematically fill the voids caused by missing teeth. Our highly regarded team utilises superior-grade titanium implants to create a strong base, seamlessly integrating the screw with your jawbone.

Using advanced equipment and techniques, our adept team oversees the entire dental implant procedure. We offer a wide range of tooth implant options for your appraisal. Once the implant is securely in place, a false tooth is attached, effectively masking the gap and mirroring your natural teeth.

For dependable and prompt dental implant services, our team of experienced dentists is your first choice.


Picture the undeniable charm of your rejuvenated smile following the successful completion of your dental implant surgery.

Subperiosteal Dental Implants

Before and after Images
Before and after Images


The patient’s path to a renewed smile commenced with a comprehensive assessment, culminating in a personalised scheme for a subperiosteal dental implant procedure. This strategy is particularly beneficial for those lacking sufficient jawbone volume and desiring a solid, long-lasting replacement.

Our capable implant dentist proficiently fitted the custom-made frame onto the patient’s jawbone beneath the gum tissue. Post the adequate recovery phase; the artificial tooth was securely fastened onto the posts that protruded from the gums. This novel approach supplied the patient with sturdy implants that mimic the appearance and utility of neighbouring teeth, considerably boosting their oral health and enhancing their smile.

Mini Dental Implants

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Before and after Images


The patient’s journey towards improved oral well-being began with a thorough examination, concluding in a distinct plan for a mini dental implant procedure. This approach is notably beneficial for those who want a less invasive treatment or lack adequate bone density for standard implants.

Our skilled dentist efficiently placed the smaller implants into the patient’s jawbone. After an apt healing time, the replacement teeth were affixed onto the implants. This innovative dental implant service not only improved the patient’s ability to chew but also restored the aesthetics of their smile, significantly elevating their dental health and smile aesthetics.

Zygomatic Dental Implants

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Before and after Images


The patient’s passage towards a revitalised smile was initiated with a detailed evaluation, resulting in a bespoke design for a zygomatic dental implant treatment. This strategy is optimal for those with severe bone loss in the upper jaw and looking to bypass lengthy bone grafting procedures.

Our experienced implant dentist effectively inserted the longer implants into the patient’s zygomatic bone. Post a suitable healing period; the prosthetic tooth was attached to the implant. This unique dental implant placement revitalised the patient’s facial structure and offered a firm base for the artificial tooth, dramatically improving their oral health and renewing their smile.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Dental implants have revolutionised implant dentistry, offering a durable and natural-looking solution for those dealing with tooth loss, whether it’s a single-tooth dental implant or an entire set. However, the longevity of these implants depends significantly on the care you take post-procedure. Here are some critical steps to extend the lifespan of your dental implants.

Regular Oral Hygiene: The First Step

Just like your original teeth, dental implants also require regular and proper cleaning. Brushing twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush helps remove food particles and prevents plaque buildup. Additionally, incorporating a low-abrasive toothpaste helps to prevent scratching the surface of the implants.

Flossing daily is equally important. This practice ensures the removal of debris from areas that a toothbrush might not reach. Using interdental brushes can further aid in cleaning hard-to-reach spots around your implant.

Regular Dental Checkups: An Unskippable Necessity

Regular visits to your dental implant clinic are imperative for maintaining the longevity of your dental implants. The dentist can identify any potential issues early on and provide necessary treatment, preventing more significant problems down the line.

Professional cleanings at the clinic help remove any plaque or tartar buildup that may have been missed during regular brushing and flossing. This routine is also an excellent opportunity for your dentist to review your oral care routine and offer advice tailored to your needs.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle: The Deciding Factor

Lifestyle factors play an important part in the longevity of dental implants. Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol can negatively affect oral health, leading to implant failure in the long term. Thus, adopting a healthier lifestyle, including quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake, can significantly increase the lifespan of your dental implants.

Eating a diet rich in minerals and vitamins helps maintain overall oral health. By incorporating calcium-rich and vitamin D-packed foods, you can fortify the bones and gums surrounding your dental implants, promoting their strength and durability. 

Avoid Damaging Habits: Prevention is Better Than Cure

Certain habits can negatively affect the longevity of dental implants. These include chewing on hard items like ice or hard candy, which can damage the implants. Teeth grinding or clenching, known as bruxism, is another harmful habit that can put undue pressure on the implants, leading to potential damage.

If you find yourself grinding or clenching your teeth, especially during sleep, consult your dentist. They might recommend a night guard to protect your teeth and implants from excessive pressure.

Address Loose Dentures Promptly: A Crucial Caution

If you have implants supporting dentures and notice any looseness, it’s essential to consult your dentist immediately. Loose dentures can put extra stress on your implants, leading to potential damage. Regular check-ups can help spot such issues early, but self-awareness is equally important.

A Lifetime Commitment

Dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime with the right care. This involves maintaining a thorough oral hygiene routine, visiting your dental implant clinic regularly, leading a healthy lifestyle, avoiding damaging habits, and promptly addressing issues like loose dentures.

Remember, your commitment to maintaining your implants can have a direct impact on their longevity. So, make sure to follow these steps to enjoy the benefits of your implants for years to come.

The cost of dental implants can vary significantly based on several factors, making it challenging to provide a one-size-fits-all answer. However, this section aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of dental implant costs and the aspects that commonly influence them.

The Basic Cost of Dental Implants

The basic cost of dental implants can range significantly depending on your location and the specific dental clinic you choose for your treatment. Generally, the price can start from $2,400 per implant. However, keep in mind that this is a rough estimate, and the actual costs can deviate based on several factors.

Number and Type of Implants

One of the most apparent factors influencing the cost of dental implants is the number of implants you require. The more implants you need, the higher the total cost will be. Additionally, the type of implants also significantly affects the cost. For example, a single tooth implant may cost less than full-mouth reconstruction using multiple implants.

Moreover, different types of implants come with varying price tags. For example, endosteal implants (placed in the jawbone) and subperiosteal implants (placed under the gum but above the jawbone) might have different costs due to differences in the complexity of the procedure.

Preparatory Procedures

In some cases, additional procedures are necessary before the dental implant placement, which can add to the overall cost. For instance, if you’ve experienced significant bone loss, a bone graft might be required to ensure there’s enough bone to support the implant. Similarly, if you have a damaged tooth that needs to be extracted before the implant procedure, this will add to the total cost.

Materials Used

The materials used in the implant and the crown can also affect the price. For example, implants are usually made of titanium or zirconia, with the latter often being more expensive due to its superior aesthetics. Similarly, crowns can be made of different materials, such as porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, or full-gold crowns, each with different cost implications.

Dental Professional’s Expertise

The expertise and experience of the dental professional performing the procedure can significantly impact the cost. More experienced dentists may charge more for their services. However, their expertise can often translate to smoother procedures and more successful outcomes, making the extra cost a worthy investment for many patients.

Geographical Location

Lastly, geographical location can influence the cost of dental implants. Typically, dental procedures tend to cost more in urban areas compared to rural areas due to higher overhead costs and the generally higher cost of living.

To sum up, while dental implants may appear costly initially, it’s important to consider their long-term benefits. When considering the cost, remember to factor in the longevity and quality of life improvements that dental implants provide. Consult with your dentist to get a detailed quote based on your particular situation and needs.

Beyond their cosmetic implications, missing teeth can exert a substantial influence on your overall health. While losing a tooth can occur due to various reasons such as injury, gum disease, or tooth decay, not replacing that missing tooth can lead to severe complications over time. This section delves into why not replacing missing teeth can be detrimental to your health.

Altered Eating Habits and Nutrition Deficiencies

One of the most immediate and apparent impacts of missing teeth is on your ability to chew food. Depending on the position and number of missing teeth, you might find it difficult to eat certain types of foods, particularly those that are hard or require significant chewing. As a result, you might start avoiding these foods, which could lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Proper nutrition is vital for overall health, and deficiencies can lead to various health problems, from weakened immunity to chronic diseases. Therefore, replacing missing teeth is critical to maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet.

Speech Difficulties

Teeth play a crucial role in speech. They aid in the pronunciation of certain sounds and words. Therefore, missing teeth, especially if they’re front teeth, can lead to difficulties in speaking clearly. This can affect your self-esteem and social interactions, leading to potential emotional and psychological issues.

Bone Loss and Facial Structure Changes

The absence of a tooth results in diminished stimulation that the tooth root used to provide, potentially leading to gradual bone loss in the jaw. This bone loss can alter the shape of your face, leading to a sunken appearance that can make you look older than you are.

Furthermore, bone loss in the jaw can make any future dental implant procedures more challenging. It may necessitate bone grafts or other complex procedures to replace the missing teeth eventually.

Shift in Remaining Teeth and Bite Problems

When a tooth is lost, the remaining teeth may gradually shift into the empty space, leading to misalignment. This misalignment can lead to bite problems, known as malocclusion, which can cause difficulties in chewing, excessive wear on certain teeth, and potential jaw joint problems, like temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ).

Increased Risk of Oral Health Issues

The presence of gaps resulting from missing teeth can create challenging areas to clean within your mouth, allowing food particles and bacteria to accumulate. This buildup of plaque increases the likelihood of tooth decay and gum disease.

Moreover, the shifting of other teeth can exacerbate this problem by creating additional hard-to-clean areas.

The Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

While it may seem easier or more cost-effective to leave a missing tooth untreated, the long-term health implications highlight the importance of replacing missing teeth. Modern dentistry offers several effective options, such as dental implants, to replace missing teeth.

Remember, every tooth plays a vital role in the overall function of your mouth. Losing even one tooth and not replacing it can lead to a domino effect of oral health issues. So, if you have a missing tooth, consult with a dental professional about the best tooth replacement options for you. Doing so will not only improve your smile but also protect your overall health.

Dental implant procedures typically involve several stages spread over a period of a few months. The initial surgical placement of the implant into the jawbone is followed by a healing period, often 3-6 months, after which the replacement tooth or crown is attached to the implant.


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